First I will back up with scripture the giftedness aspect - this is not charismatic this is biblical.
Secondly I will expand your comment of sound teaching.
Thirdly I will disagree using Jesus as the example of the "can't be over 5000" comment (plus the one minister comment).
Fourthly application for technology in using video preaching in PCQ.
1 Corinthians 12:1-10 & 14 discusses various spiritual gifts among them here is preaching (prophecy). Being a gifted preacher is not necessarily about being a Mark Driscoll or John Piper nor is it about attention grabbing or being “charismatic” in preaching. It is about someone who can preach Philip Jensen, JI Packer, Dave Mc, Dave Miers, Matt Chandler, etc. It is as Calvin put it
“By the term prophesying I do not mean the gift of foretelling the future, but as in 1 Corinthians 14:3 the science of the interpretation of Scripture, so that a prophet is the interpreter of the divine will... Let us understand prophesying to mean the interpretation of Scripture applied to the present need.”
Personally, I think that there are men that need to step up to the plate here and preach because they do have gifts in this area and they are not using them. This is two found though the elders and the pastors encouraging and allowing men to do this as well as men sticking up their hand to do this.
For me I think that I would be well suited to an ‘executive/management role’ but not a counselling one. Sometimes small churches don’t allow people to use their gifts and sometimes it pushes everything on to the plate of one man – generally the pastor.
So running on from the previous section sound teachers I would say are preachers. I am also not saying that a Pastor has one bad sermon and you throw them out.
I think that there is a part of evangelicalism that is far too legalistic and conservative when it comes to church size.
Jesus preached to thousands – yes live (Matthew 14 & 15; Mark 6 & 8; Luke 9 & 12; John 6). So did the disciples (Acts 2 & 4).
There is no way, as you said, one preacher can take care of personally that many people. I think this comes to a flaw in the thinking of church. The preacher does not need to be the one dealing with each church member one on one. Elders and other Pastors (whether that is a counselling pastor, small groups pastor, “site pastor”, etc) have to step up the plate here. To be honest I love the thought of freeing up the “Preaching Pastor” to focus on preaching and not having to worry about the other items.
There is something fantastic about building teams that allow people to focus on an area of ministry (and I think that this is very Biblical both OT and NT). This is what happens with Dave H being the Youth Pastor he can pour his time into this and why a small groups pastor would have been great for Willows.
Getting back to Jesus, He NEVER cared for the masses on a one on one basis (as a broad generalisation) he focused on a small group of men, his disciples. It is even highlighted in Acts 6 where the apostles were set apart to pray and minister the Word (preach) putting other men into those roles.
I am not opposed to small churches but the reality is that if you have one full time staff (assuming you have supportive and active elders) I still think that you can probably only minister to no more than 150 ppl.
I think that there are some great opportunities to tie various congregations through technology and more importantly to get those that are out west plugged into a church community via a TWO way video feed (we see them, they see us). This allows two way communication.
I think that there is application here in here to presbyteries. Lets break congregational boundaries and employ at a presbytery level with staff allocated across the churches. Allow people to focus on a particular area and build ministry teams in various churches. I do not see this happening anytime soon though due to stubbornness, hurt and the current differences.
Someone said to me that they think that it is sinful when people are opposed to large churches (selfish) I am not sure where I stand on this comment but I do think that there is some truth to it, though general. The reality is that you cannot say there should not be big churches - it is unbiblical.
They also said that you have good and bad large and small churches – it is not about size but health.
I agree with him entirely.
To put it simply I believe (and think that I have shown from the bible) that large churches are biblical and so are ministry teams with specialist is particular areas (particularly for preaching).