23 April 2010

Learn Something New Every Dinner Party

I had the privilege of having some great company over for dinner last night and we got to talk about the internet and the web and how it all works. Surprising to say it was all a little beyond me.

I found out that we have cables in the sea that communicate as one big network to basically for a large network called the web.

The thing is that this has been going on for centuries. The image below is what the Eastern Telegraph Company had in 1901... WOW!!!

This is what we have now.

Apparently this is all cheaper than satellites!!

This image is good too

17 April 2010

Union is a Boxing Match and League is like Pawns in Chess

Why I hear you ask?

Hear are a few thoughts.

One of the fundamentals of Union they contest for the ball whether it is the scrum, line out or ruck - at each of these points the defensive team has the opportunity to fight for the ball. As such both teams are attacking for the ball.

League is not like this at all there is no contest at the scrum, tap or play of the ball. However, in League it is more like the pawns in chess in that the target for the attacking team is to get the ball over the touch line (or in chess get to the other side of the board). While the opposition tries to stop the efforts of the attacking team or piece.

This is a simplification of both games and the analogies where not meant to insult
(just in case people take it that way).